by Yvonne Bradshaw » Sat Sep 21, 2019 2:13 pm
Parental grandmother never did FEDERAL Requirement KINSHIP search also STATE. Told lack of training one I didn't qualify, no marriage licence my sons sister and cousin. Put together KINSHIP plan Aunt main caretaker addressed their health, mental health, 4 strong women involved in their well being. Aunt denied not enough income needs job, and car I would provide the income in writing, spoke to worker we were working on it stopped talking to me. I live in Salt Lake City DCFS Roosevelt UT has my babies. Never informed about KINSHIP found them myself. Had KINSHIP worker call answer what if something happens to me as main income source. Then learn a foster parent beat a two year old to death. 2 months before this brought it up to caseworker. States what does that have to do with this case I STATE I am terrified for my grandchildren other worker told me they lost 10 foster homes the was the only place they could be together. Family meeting down to the wire in foster care. Many kin options were offered early on. Going to place them with Aunt in California State it will take too long, whole family there pick they picked Aunt that still needs a job I got the car only choice. Week later KINSHIP worker calls my 1 bedroom a misunderstanding they want to place them with me. Told caseworker loves my grandchildren and they are fine in the foster home. Finally release real background screen we have been sent to BCI adoption paperwork bull shit. They have been placed four times unnecessarily parental right termination is iffy with my son as mom was who they were taken from. DIGUSTING child trafficking for money much more hired an attorney now. Feds need to investigate do they no. Teaching foster parents about trauma. What do they know about it they cause it no money invested in reunification plenty fost adopt money. I have never been so disgusted in my life, tell my he will never see his boys again, mom too we don't qualify on and on GOD BLESS AMERICA best interest CPS has not protected my grands sons their goal was foster care from day one not their best interest. All need to go to jail