by Nicole Magincalda » Thu Aug 15, 2019 6:35 pm
I will sign because I feel it is an injustice to innocent people such as myself who were forced to sign a Voluntary safety plan. They had no proof of abuse, no court order or warrant. A (voluntary) safety plan, people notice the word voluntary!!. "It ain't voluntary when they tell you to sign this or we will get a pickup order and take your kids!!. They don't tell you the truth it's an unfit parent petition. "So they can file a deprived petition and use everything u tell them to you out your kids. For adoption, termination of one, or both the parents rights guilty or not!!. I didn't get arrested, didn't commit a crime, they had no court order or warrant and they found no proof of abuse. I should have taken my son to the doctors to be checked for signs of abuse. They wrote in their report they found abuse when they didn't!!. Its called substantiated. "Especially children when an organization that is supposed to stand for parents and children's rights can lie, fabricate evidence, violate U.S. Constitutional law, federal law, human rights, civil rights, civil liberties!!. Using the title of their office and Mental duress, coricen and threats to do it!!. I stand for all parents whos family and lives have been forever changed by the worst heartache a parent can feel when they have not violated a law or committed a crime and yet their civil liberties get infringed upon, by government officials!!. Termination of a parents rights when they did nothing wrong is immoral and wrong to both the parent and child. Also what could be more horrible for a toddler to know they can't see their mom again. "How does a parent explain that when it's not what either parent want but the government doesn't care nor follow the laws??. A family forever broken by people who lie!!. That is horse shit you know the courts are responsible cuz the judge just believed the caseworkers never even asked for abuse findings by medical personal. The law states before DHS fills out a abuse report they are to take said child to a medical facility to be checked for signs of abuse!!!.