Why do children suffer.

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Re: Why do children suffer.

Postby EveLyn » Thu Dec 12, 2013 3:47 pm

Pokrov family is the example of right behavior. They did the best thing, which deserves our respect. They have told to everyone about their problem. And this problem concerns many families already. Every day we hear news about taking the children off from their families. It has already began a tradition t take them off. But why? What does stand behind it? Or, maybe, who stands behind it? I suppose we can find out many answers to these questions. And all of them will be clear. Unfortunately, government structure is not as pure as we wish it. There are many people who work in different instances and who can be a part of taking the children off from their families. Let`s understand the reasons of such behavior. In my mind one of the purposes is adoption. I mean, I have already read such publications in mass media, that nice good children were taken off from their parents and have been adopted by other people. There are rich people who want to have children, but they don`t. So, they solve their problem in such key. It is a pity, that such people don`t understand that they will have to stay before God one moment and what will be the explanation of this situation? I don`t understand such actions and I would like to organize the movement, which will protect the rights of the children, once taken from their families. The problem is that there is a secret of adoption. And it is impossible to contact all the time with such children. Nobody will give the information about the family of adopters, so, I can`t help these children.
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Re: Why do children suffer.

Postby Cable » Sat Dec 14, 2013 12:59 pm

After reading what has happened to this family it gives you chills! Sounds as if we live in a crazy world that only pretends to be a civilized one! General public doesn’t have any rights or freedom. Is it normal that armed people can break into your own house in the middle of the night, break your door and your family? It shows only how unsecure we are all these days unfortunately. They treat law-abiding people like criminals, drug barons, rapists, killers and other dangerous examples. Even the children what have they done to be put into the prison or be messed up with their health? So many questions are here. I find it weird that government is interested in removing kids from their real families and putting them into the care of those who re not related to them anyhow. I agree with Claire that “they take them from complete families and give them to gays or lesbians”. At least Pokrovski’s children, as they mentioned on the forum, are placed in a normal family. Today we see a huge movement across the world, especially Europe and USA, towards the tolerance when it comes to homosexuals. Some influential people are trying to impose on everyone that it is absolutely normal and has always been so. That’s why by bringing up the children in such environment they are gonna change their conscience and put in their hearts all the immoral things presenting them to be absolutely alright and acceptable… It is very sad. The kids are very abused these days and taken advantage of. Pokrovski’s children have suffered huge mental damage, and they will have to carry it through their entire lives. If social workers are here to help, why then they caused so much harm to their health? Speech disorder, depression, aggressiveness and other problems how has it all benefited them or their family? I don’t know one must be an absolute idiot not to be able to distinguish harm from good! So many years have passed already, how long is it necessary to continue damaging children’s health and life? Is it not enough yet what they already have and have to face everyday? So many bad experiences for such young kids and they have just started their little lives! Social workers, would you like yourselves to be in a place of these little kids and go through things that they have to? If you think that family of Pokrovsky are bad parents, then you have already sent them to parenting courses and they have studied there, passed all exams, got all the certificates needed. Isn’t it enough to show that they care for their kids and even got an official paper of parenting? Also there are doctors they went to with kids for regular check-ups. If their kids were in a dangerous situation then it is obvious that this fact would have been noticed by the doctors. And Nikolay and Kira also were accused of being drug addicts and mentally ill. Well I am sure that doctors are smart enough and educated people to be able to see all this. And even their neighbours, friends and other people they deal or have dealt in their life. It is all strange that all these people have not been taken into account before taking away the children and nobody actually ever asked them about this family. Isn’t it biased? I think it is! And to give the wrong address intentionally for court hearing – it is absolutely ridiculous! Sounds like from the outset it was planned and everything was done not in favour of this family but to please those who accused them. But then it is not fair at all. All people have equal rights of being heard to and being represented. It is very strange also that cost- free lawyer say that nothing can be done, whereas those costing a fortune claim everything is possible to restore justice. Looks like these free lawyers really don’t want to do anything to help the family, even though it is their job to care for justice. The whole system is built on money, not on what is true and right. I think that there must be some organizations for people who are in the same or similar situations and they might be able to help. Like today there are different charities helping people with different illnesses, who can’t pay a lot to private clinics. And there must be organizations helping families to get their kids back, if not in America then in other countries. Worldwide people must realize that they must stick together and fight this evil.
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Re: Why do children suffer.

Postby Soleil » Tue Dec 17, 2013 5:53 am

It's really scary what happened to Pokrovski family. It's pure injustice. To tell the truth I even didn't think that it is possible in the XXI century this kind of cruelty towards children and parents. I think both for children and parents it is unbearable and they have suffered enought during these 4 years.
I don't say that ACS organization shouldn't exist, it should, but not in the form it is now. They have to open their eyes and analize carefully what is going on around and take a better look at those who are bad and good parents, I mean they MUST be able to differentiate them.
It's a great sin to make inocent children suffer so much and cause pain to people.
The ACS job is to help and protect kids from bad families and take care of them. But what is the point of taking a kid from good, caring parents? I simply do not understand. Did anybody pay you? Did you receive an order from somebody more influential to take away those children? You see, when people learn about this kind of injustice they have doubts whether the ACS organization works for people and kids or against them. Take this into account.
I think if this continues, sooner or later people will get sick and tired and will demand changes in this system or even worse will sue this organization.
I can't imagine how is it to wear t-shirts at home in really hot weather, this is unbearable too, moreover the kids' doctor told to take them off. I don't think the supervisor right here. He should take into account what doctor said, otherwise he puts kids health in danger.
When I think that Pokrovski family is not the only one whose children were taken away, it's scary... I hope this system in the way it is now will not exist much longer and it will change to a more perfect form.
And to Pokrovski family I wish good luck and a soon return of their kids home. God will help you, just believe it.
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Re: Why do children suffer.

Postby Claire » Wed Dec 18, 2013 5:34 am

Is it normal that armed people can break into your own house in the middle of the night, break your door and your family? It shows only how unsecure we are all these days unfortunately. They treat law-abiding people like criminals, drug barons, rapists, killers and other dangerous examples.

You are right. It's a complete nonsense to break into the apartment in the midnight, armed and then accuse Pokrovski family to not abide the law and not opening the door. Hello, they live in New York! There are so many criminals there. It's normal in their case to get scared, you know. They have kids, they should defend them or I am wrong? This is completely crazy. If they were armed criminals the police could act like this, but they are not! They are simply good, loving parents, who love their kids more than anything else in this world. How on earth they were supposed to handle this kind of situation?
It has already been said many times that this system, the ACS, the supervirsor are wrong, however they don't want to admit this. Well, there is no other way than make them admit this, and I am sure that Pokrovski family will do this. We together have to stop them from spreading injustice.
All children have to be protected in the true sense of the word.
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Re: Why do children suffer.

Postby Melisa » Wed Dec 18, 2013 3:06 pm

Yes, it is really story, which is hard to believe. But also I believe you, that it is true.
Everything in this story is described so detailed and so clearly that it is can’t be invented. What kind of fantasy human should have, to invent this story? Especially on such a serious topic as children. I am sure that it is true.
I am sincerely sorry family Pokrovsky. I do not wish this situation to anyone. I sincerely hope that all will soon be resolved, especially the fact that the guilty will be punished because to suffer so much adversity. It is unbelievable, somebody have to be responsible for this.
I resented the fact that at any time to your house can break unknown armed men, and turn the house upside down. And yes, I understand that it is policemen, but it still does not change my scare for this fact. We are insecure. In addition, if you are only responsible for yourself is half the trouble, but when you are responsible for all your family, it is another, more complicate situation.
And indeed the situation, someone always come to you and check you, whether you're a good parent or no. Everyone has his or her own methods of education. ACS worker may decide that you're a bad mother, but in fact it is not, you simply educate children by your methods so as you feel right. This does not mean that all your methods ACS worker should like, but if they are effective, why not? Especially you as a mother knows best what is best for your children. For example, this dirty carpet, maybe for children will be better to live with dirty carpet. For example, if the baby is still quite small and is afraid of loud noises, so listen to the vacuum cleaner every day and be scared every day. It is not good and may be better less vacuuming and calmer life for the children.
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Re: Why do children suffer.

Postby Cable » Thu Dec 19, 2013 6:40 am

I wonder who actually has created such horrible social system of so called children’s protection? What a sick mind you should have to separate a strong loving family and to say it is all have been done for their very best! Well I know that Hitler e.g. based the whole Nazi campaign on the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche. When such horrible people come to power then everyone suffers. That’s why people with pure hearts are necessary to guide our society. History knows many examples when immoral authorities destroyed millions of innocent people! And they also used some noble philanthropic reason for that. I think that it is a really long period, might seem like the whole eternity to be without your family for 4 long years! Pokrovsky family have been fighting all these years. The lawyers’ main motivation is money. I understand that they are Russian citizens, so maybe it is worth trying to turn to Russian authorities, ambassadors, consulate, television, mass media, journalists and all other sources. There would be more chances for family reunion if more people knew what has happened to them. Then there are more chances someone in authority can do something to change the situation. I think publicity would be very important in bringing such injustice to light, telling about his situation and bringing and connecting more people into this story.
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Re: Why do children suffer.

Postby Soleil » Fri Dec 20, 2013 1:32 am

I personally think that the problem is not in the system - it's in people who work there. They are not qualified for sure, have less experience than they have do and don't have any compassion towards others. One clear thing is that the court decided to return childrend, and they HAVE TO be returned, it's nobody problem there but the ACS. If they don't do this, feel free to sue them and demand indemnification for the fact that you and your kids have suffered so much.
Pokrovski family did a great thing by starting this site and the forum, and by alerting and informing people what is going on in their country and what may happened with every family. They stuggle, they are brave and I truly believe they will obtain everything they fight for. And I must say their kids are brave too and very patient. It only remains to congratulate you on raising such great kids!
Unfortunately, people are nowadays helpless in front of this powerful governmental organization, they usually do what they are told to, and it's almost impossible to change anything. But the power of God is greater than anything on this planet. We should continously pray for our freedom and God will help us, also we have to improve our karma, because everything that happens in our life is due to our previous mistakes or good deeds.
Those who make others suffer have already been punished by God, they are not happy people! That is why they tend to make others unhappy. And honestly, I feel compassion for them.
You know, when you believe in good, it usually happens so. I wish you to be positive whatever situation you are in and hope for the best - it will happen for sure.
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Re: Why do children suffer.

Postby Tinok » Fri Dec 20, 2013 3:34 pm

Taking into account the situation in Pokrovsky family, I've realized that they are getting close! "They" means people who want to control our lives, families and children. They are pulling hands to our families! This is not a mere statement.
And what is this whole system? This is a primarily hit upon families with many children and families of believers. Anyway in religious families children are brought up with respect for elders, in faith, in chastity, oh, in the end, the family hierarchy is important for such children. I must admit that this concept gave us a more stable family. Obviously, religious practice and traditions suggest limitations. For example, take fasting. Nutritionists have already recognized it. Fasting is a useful thing, but once parents begin raising their children in the traditional manner (with fasting), you are immediately can be blamed that children are poorly fed!
Child is an unformed personality, heightened sensibility, emotion, stubbornness, tendency to fantasize (children's world is a special word ). In the childhood I was forced to clean teeth. So it can be perceived as violence against the person. If in times of my childhood where such social workers oh, how knows how my life could turn! It's absolutely obvious that children have to be listen and their opinion has to be taken into account, but it's not wise to to make them full-fledged subjects of civil relations.
So I'm sure we have to stop "them". From my side I will do my best to inform as much people as possible about what is going on. And will write in different mass media and internet to inform people.
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Re: Why do children suffer.

Postby MinaRos » Sat Dec 21, 2013 4:18 am

You are right. If there were such organizations in our childhood, nobody knows, how he world would have been looked like today. Anyway, such organizations do not only negative actions. I would like to believe that they really help to those, who need their help. For example, there are many families with little children, where the situation is really sharp. There are families with the parents, who really can1t bring up the children and who can`t even feed their children in proper way. In such situations, I suppose, these organizations could help and the children should be taken away in order to be real good persons. How many cases we know, where there are parents, who can`t control themselves towards children, and not other children, their own children! What can we say here? These parents should learn how to treat their children and how to control their angry. There are special courses, books, whatever you want, to be able to learn. That`s why I really think, that such organizations should try to help, first of all, to those families, where children wait for the help. And only afterwards be faced to other families. But what are the other families? The other families are we. And do we need their help? I don`t think so. We are serious, consciousness, we are not drinking, we are or at home, or at work. That`s all the life that we have. I think, all of us try to find some time to have it with our children. And we succeed in it. But why do these organizations come into our homes? Why do we let them to enter our homes? There are laws, that forbid to enter your home anyone whom you don`t like. That`s the first important thing. And the second important thing is that they have to show us their documents, before we let them in. And even if they are accompanied by police. It is our right, and we should use it. Only if we know the laws, we are protected. Not only we, but what is most important, our children. Thus, we should learn the laws of the country where we live in order to know what to do, and how to do. Only the knowing of the laws and rights could preserve us from different misfortunes
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Re: Why do children suffer.

Postby Pacific » Tue Dec 24, 2013 9:28 am

It's such sad situation. This poor children and their parents. We all understand that this is incredibly unfair. But the main question is why?
Why these children were taken?
So, what is the modern world? Without faith. Without hope. Without trust. I can say, that even animal cannot live is such ugly world. However, who have created this world? Few years ago I read one small article in a book about modern art, where well-known author answered this question in very specific manner. His answer was, that we are those who have created this word. We have built this world and without any exception, all of us are guilty.
I think he is wrong. Even he is absolutely wrong. Because if man dose not want to be an animal, if he behaves his-self like a man, but not like a wolf he will never turn into predator.
I think we should stop this process of destruction of modern world. I think if we believe in justice, faith we will be able do it. I think the better world will be without such ugly machine of dehumanization like all these social workers. On my point of view this is not just a machine of dehumanization of modern society, but also it's a very powerful weapon of population decline. I can say without any doubt, that in such terrible way like «helping children», all these masters of puppets who are pulling the strings of modern world kill our future. Kill our hope. Our faith.
Our children.
And maybe I'm very pessimistic, but I cannot find ways who to resist it. Our world is plunging into darkness.
But anyway I wish this great family to get their children back as soon as possible.
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