Why do children suffer.

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Re: Why do children suffer.

Postby luvnyc » Tue Oct 08, 2013 11:30 pm

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Re: Why do children suffer.

Postby 007 » Thu Oct 10, 2013 9:41 pm

pokrov wrote:I am writing this material not against ACS and SCO organizations. I am writing this material against the individual persons and their actions. We need ACS and SCO and people who work there do a lot of useful things for the children. But there are facts and people I write about here, which by their criminal actions spoil the reputation of the entire organization.
Why am I writing all this? In order to draw the attention of the public. In order to stop a crime against the children.

After reading this let ACS and SCO employees look at themselves and their actions from outside, understand what sufferings they cause to the children. Let them be changed and really start to help the children, not incline to the light work, sitting in their office, but travel around the houses. If there is a multi child family and it has problems, on contrary this family should be helped: to hire babysitter for several hours in a week, to invite a cleaner once a month for general cleaning, to invite the employee for carpet cleaning, to bring the children clothes and toys. If all employees of these organisations do this, you will have good reputation and respect the parents will adress themselves to you and will be grateful to you. Because the parents will see that you help the children from the heart, but do not want to earn easy money on them, as in our case.
I know that after reading this material, someone will turn against me and will obstruct the return of the children. But I also know that I will find more support in the most of people who have conscience, honor and compassion to the children.

Quiet Discrimination.
Quiet discrimination, Part.

I suppose these people who you are writing about know what they do. I guess they are just like they are and they know in a very good way what they do. They are aware of harm causing to children in general and your children especially. They are adults not children and should bear all responsibility for their actions. I also know that all ACS employees should pass medical examination including psychiatrist’s examination so we can exclude the reason of mass mental illness. They are fully in charge what they did and they did it on purpose.
I only hope that not all employees of this center are the same and soon some of them will rise against the actions of ACS concerning the Pokrovski!
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Re: Why do children suffer.

Postby 007 » Thu Oct 10, 2013 9:44 pm

luvnyc wrote:Image

I fully agree with you! Stop discrimination now and bring children back home without any delay! :!:
Pokrovski children must be in family as soon as possible! :!:
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Re: Why do children suffer.

Postby Tangerine » Fri Oct 11, 2013 4:39 am

I am very shocked after reading about this terrible story and can’t understand how people can be so cruel, especially who are serving as social workers. Watching over the situation with Polrovski (which is a small drop in the ocean of similar situations), it is hard to believe in talks of social workers about taking up such a profession because they want to help children.

It seems that in their work social workers only blindly following the silly unspoken rule - "never admit that you were wrong", but how they don’t understand that countless tragedies arise from it as a result! It is the most terrible thing they do, and it is difficult to believe in their good intentions after this, and generally in their humanity. Due to social workers large numbers of largely healthy and happy children have been abruptly removed from their homes and transferred to the care of complete strangers – and many of them really got abuse and violence in foster houses or families, again –“thanks “ to the social workers for that!

How about that - never admitting a mistake and fanatically eager to cover up rather than rectify any errors of judgement they have made, especially when such error can break the lives of people! That is why the reaction of people on their actions against children and families is very negative. And it is so tragically funny to watch over the attempts of social workers to protect their reputation, even if they have so small amount of reputation to protect.

Parents and children are split up, and in effect punished for nothing - not because of anything they have done but only for what the “social professionals” think “something they might do if”! As unjust as it is absurd - clearly wronged parents Polrovski have to take years to retrieve their children! I think the problem is – because social workers make mistake after mistake but they are not paying for it! And it is necessary to make these legal sharks to pay and feel at least small part of tragedies they bring to innocent children and their parents.
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Re: Why do children suffer.

Postby Tracy2000 » Sun Oct 20, 2013 10:04 pm

I fully agree with you! Situation happened in this family is only one of hundreds if not thousands. I cannot still believe that this lasts so long. 4 years!!! It is so long for children and for parents when you are apart. 4 years without family’s dinners and breakfasts cooked by mom, without bedtime stories and walking together, without so huge amount of tiny warm moments which help children realize their personality and from their mental health. I cannot even imagine how it can impact on their future life.
I would really like to hear the points of the ACS officers who took away Pokrovski children and keep them in foster family. What do you think about???? I write it and feel so much rage and anger to them! Start thinking about the children at last and not about how you will look like if you admit your mistakes. The ACS’s job is to protect children from everything and from wrong taking away as well.
I have no more words. I am so upset with the entire situation!
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Re: Why do children suffer.

Postby LoLa » Sun Oct 20, 2013 11:56 pm

I was so interested in this one case that decided to have a look at the entire situation with child abuse and child taking away from the families.
First of all I was amazed by posts of some people who wrote that your children can be easily taken by the social officers if they have a call from anyone even anonymous call that you abuse the child. According to statistics, report of child abuse is made every 10 seconds in the USA! What is it? Are Americans so attentive to other babies or it is just the way to make life of some families terrible?
Of course according to statistic again, “Every year more than 3 million reports of child abuse are made in the United States involving more than 6 million children (a report can include multiple children). The United States has among the worst records among industrialized nations – losing on average between four and seven children every day to child abuse and neglect” (data is taken from the official website of ChildHelp non-commercial organization)
How can this be possible in the USA?
The next thing which I was interested is how many children are taken by Child care in the USA every year. Here are some numbers:
In 2004 approximately 3.5 million children were involved in investigation of neglect and abuse (it means they were taken away from their parents forever or for the period of investigation). An estimated 1,490 children died that year because of abuse or neglect. So the number of children taken away and which are really suffered from abuse is different for 3,3 million. And these children were taken away for nothing! Tremendous situation.
On September 30, 2010, there were approximately 400,000 children in foster care in the U.S. of which 36% percent were ages 5 and under. During that same period, almost 120,000 birth to five year-olds entered foster care and a little under 100,000 exited foster care. U.S. Child Protective Services (CPS) received a little over 2.5 million reports of child maltreatment in 2009 of which 61.9% were assigned to an investigation. Research using national data on recidivism indicates that 22% of children were rereported within a 2-year period and that 7% of these rereports were substantiated. (data is taken from Wikipedia).
And again I do ask you to look at the numbers of reports. They are millions! Are Americans so abusive or the system doesn’t work properly?
I also found several cases of children taken away from the families, good families and they still cannot come home without any reasonable basis. For example, Alex and Anna Nikolayev took their baby Sammy out of Sutter Memorial Hospital and sought a second opinion at Kaiser Permanente, a competing hospital, for Sammy’s flu-like symptoms. Police arrived at Kaiser and questioned the couple and doctors. Once Sammy had been fully cleared to leave the hospital, the couple went home, but the following day police arrived and took Sammy. The reason for seizure is still unknown, and parents are allowed to visit Sammy for one hour per day until a court hearing is held.
What’s wrong with the entire system? What’s wrong with the people working in the system? :x
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Re: Why do children suffer.

Postby Tangerine » Mon Oct 21, 2013 11:03 am

Generally, I can’t understand how is it possible that the parents who have committed no crime are losing their children because ACS and SCO took them only due to their own wish based on narrow material matters - simply to earn (salary, bonuses for every snatched child, substantial rake off from grateful psychologists, owners of courses for parents they force to visit to rubbish the hapless parents knowing full well that if their reports were to be favorable to those parents they would probably not get asked to come to court again, substantial rake off from grateful foster agencies, foster families for recommending them, etc., etc., etc. – as you can see, it is the real Klondike for social workers – they earn generous commissions from everywhere they are only able!) It seems that social workers changed the proverb from “money doesn’t’ smell” on “money doesn’t cry”. Each in their little corner making money out of the misery of deprived parents, why to be surprised when each in turn rush to defend their “nice little earners”?

Punishment without crime is an abomination – let social workers know that finally even with all their disgusting “earnings”! Which nonsense - it doesn’t happen even with real criminals, when their children are able to visit them in jail. It is absurd logic and extreme greediness of social workers which is difficult for understanding. No child should be placed for adoption against the will of non criminal parents (running of social workers behind bonuses will turn to evil for them and their relatives in this case) – can’t they understand this simple proven thing?

Moreover, social workers make crime not against parents when brutally taking their children from them. Those children often dump their adopted parents once they have tracked down their birth parents. People wishing to be the adopted parents are mostly deluded, because they adopt children whose parents are desperate to take them back, and often social workers simply don’t say them the real situation. Such children hate social workers who took them from family and putted in foster house or gave to strangers even after passing of many years. It seems that social workers love to be hated, other way it can’t be explained!

I think that the sooner social workers in “child protection” are scrapped and children are protected by the police (like it was before implementing this disgusting system) the better it will be. These bureaucratic social leeches has to be finally destroyed as parasites living on the cost of human tragedies, the most disgusting – on the cost of breaking the destinies of the innocent children like Pokrovski!
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Re: Why do children suffer.

Postby Lady bird » Mon Oct 21, 2013 11:24 am

O my God, it is impossible to believe in this situation. If I wouldn’t read it and see the pictures I won't believe in it.
It is so sad to see these children and their unhappy eyes.
It's so obvious that this children aren’t happy at all. And the worth is that they could be happy, they could have everything: loving percents, great time spent with them, big house and many other things. But instead they are forced to live in this terrible house that even is not suited for children and they a forced to see their parents once a week under supervision of a strange man. I can't imagine how are they suffering and how are they waiting for this nightmare to stop.
And how people that were hired to take care of children behave this way. I'm sure that they know the truth and see the suffering of the children but on unknown reason they don't care about it. Their own purposes are much more important then children's feelings. There is a huge gap in the system if such situation can happen.
I hope this case will end happily, but how it can be named so if so many years were wasted. But anyway I hope that in the nearest time these parents will meet their children in the big house and will be able to spend as much time as possible together. Ans we will see new pictures with children with happy eyes.
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Re: Why do children suffer.

Postby Tangerine » Fri Oct 25, 2013 9:44 am

Social workers can fool some people sometimes, but they can't fool all the people all the time. Truth is much visible no matter if they try to hide. That is why we are not afraid to raise our voices for honesty and truth and compassion against injustice, lying and greed in situation with Pokrovski. If people all over the world would do this, it would change all injustice situations on the earth! However, if somebody is neutral in situations of injustice, it means choosing the side of the oppressor, who is encouraged by such a silence.

Happened to the Pokrovski family is harrowing and traumatic. It’s an abominable situation, the abuse of power, of trust, by the social workers whose duty it is as care givers. Instead they became as life and family wreckers and souls destroying inhumane unsympathetic underhanded sociopaths, who, in my opinion, are behaving like they never had their own children, other way, they wouldn’t need to keep stealing of others. But it seems they are deprived even of this! Other way –how to explain the relentless pursuit of many social workers to snatch children even from the hands of responsible and loving parents sometimes even without any reasons, and their disgusting unhidden joy in front of distraught mother when they get the decision of court permitted to snatch her child? It looks like nothing human left in something called social workers.

However, I hope at least the judge will correct the visibly injustice mistake made by social workers, who, undoubtedly and as always, will demonstrate a complete inability to recognize the humanity of people who fell into their clutches. Pokrovski children will be at home very soon by the help of God, and social workers will have their deserved punishment finally and will not bread anybody’s life any more.
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Re: Why do children suffer.

Postby robert » Mon Oct 28, 2013 2:25 pm

This story tells us about an unreasonable actions of the ACS authorities and of the police, which leaded to some negative effects on the parents and their children.
I think that taking children from their parents is not necessary action in our case. Parents can give to them more benefits that can do a social protection authority. The first aspect which will be done by the parents and will be never obtained by the ACS organization is mutual love. All children need love and respect in their childhood from the persons who take care of them. This love is a necessary element in the process of raising a new generation, because it satisfy a long term goal for all the society. Children who received love in their childhood, will be able to keep it for the next generation, for their children and this fact is an assurance of society’s development. We know that in the period of childhood a child creates his basic patterns of behavior in a society and he or she follows the example of the people who are around. Parents can teach them how to respect other people, how to love those people who love you and how to give a chance to those ones who don’t love you. A child should be raise following the win-win principle and it is possible only in a family where this principle exist.
Another aspect of our problem is children’s health. In an ACS organizations the health care system is a general one which does not contain any personal privileges to any child. I don’t know the quality of this general protection, but I am sure that parent can give more to their children. Especially in early age, a child needs not only medical intervention when he or she is ill, but also attention and psychological care. At the same time we know that it is easier to prevent an illness, than to cure it. Here the role of parent is even more highlighted, because they can accord to their children more attention and can prevent better a child from some kinds of illnesses. At the same time we should speak about psychological damages which children receive being far from their parents. These problems become long-term ones and then it is very hard to settle the problems which have rudes from early childhood.
The third aspect which is very important and should be mentioned is the education which children receive. Being at home, with their parents, children have access to all the method of education and self-improvement. Parents always invest a lot in their children education, so it is usually a priority for every family to grow a well educated next generation. Living with parents , children can go to different sport sections, to be involved in another activities after school and to build their future. At the sane time parents usually check the educational process and motivate their children to study and to be better. Speaking about the situation from ACS organization, we can’t mention these pluses. We know that there children also receive education, but we don’t know its quality and we can’t compare it with a family education.
Of course we should also mention the difference in food. Parents work a lot for assuring a healthy and complete diet for their children. They know what their children need and bring it to the table. They buy fruit. Vegetables, proteins and fats. They know what to give for a meal, when to give it and in which proportions.
Looking at these four aspects we can make a clear conclusion that children should be raised in a family ambiance, but not in an ACS organization. Of course there are situations when parents use alcohol or drugs and in such situation ACS organization plays a positive and useful part. They should defend children interest and their rights and their work is a useful one when they accomplish their work. In other cases, when ACS organization makes an abuse of their rights and infringes the rights of other persons, their work becomes a negative one.
Speaking in general we can say that people as any other live beings should protect their future generation. The future generation is an assurance for the development of our world and our life. This generation is that one who will be able to do changes and to improve the situation we have now. That’s why it is so important to protect children rights and to defend them from any attack. It is a duty of government, of social organizations and of course of their parents. Parents are those ones who have the biggest responsibility for their children. They should be the first who react to any violation of their children rights and they should use all they powers for accomplishing this goal.
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