The fourth-year has passed since the children are not returned. Many readers ask why the children are not returned for so long time. Why is it so delayed? Who is interested and why? The children most of their lives are out of the native family, why? Are 3 years a long or a short period? During 3 years one can solve any problem, up to the international level. Why aren’t the children returned home for 3 years? Moreover, this question is raised for more than 2 years. Quite many facts were written on this subject before. Anyone having read all written material before, can answer all these questions himself.
In this compartment, I'll write another little part. My assumptions, thoughts, facts, arguments, and reasons for taking the children and why they are not still returned.
I’ll go back again to the time when the kids were with us and social employees came to us with controls.
Once the social employee who checked us asked my wife - what's our emigration status. My wife said that her husband had no status. The employee realized that we both did not have emigration status. For information, if the parents live in the country illegally and they are deported from the country, but their minor children were born in America, they are taken from the parents because of bad childcare, these parents are deprived of parental rights, and the children are adopted by foster parents. The ACS (Administration for Children's Services) and SCO Family of Services employees considered that both of us lived in the U.S. illegally. The proof of this is their indication in many documents that we do not have the emigration status.
The idea was that taking our children, our file can be stretched for years, they will earn money on this and at the same time, we’ll keep silent. If we speak something against it, we may be deported from the country, and ACS and SCO employees will be right in their actions in any case. When we began to protest against their actions, they decided to deport us, but since my wife is an American citizen (they did not know about it) and for other reasons, they failed.
If they deported us from the country, we would never see our children.
Let's look closer at the conflict that took place between the social employee and my wife. When our family moved to the new place of living, during the first days we were all together, both at home and outside, in shops, during the walk with the kids. When my wife remained alone with two children the first time during all this time, the social employee came just in 5 minutes, as if they waited, and perhaps especially, when we would part, because head to head it was easy to arrange the conflict and there would not be the third party, who could testify and give evidence. All the actions taken by the social employee indicate that the conflict was directed in order to direct the others against us and to have the reason for arresting my wife and suing a criminal case against her. And further, on the basis of all these, to submit to us maximum accusations and take the children.
When the file against my wife was being considered, I was in the emigration jail for deportation, the question regarding taking the children from us forever was raised in the family court. In all these circumstances, my wife and I, in no way could argue that all this was set up specially.
All the errors committed by ACS and SCO employees at the beginning and during the whole time, without any checks and trials, all employees who took part in it, who are working with our file know all these errors. But during three years no one of them indicated these errors anywhere, including at the courts. It means that these are not errors, but intentional actions, that they want to keep silent and not to raise a question about it, and it means an intentional crime.
Okay, they do not recognize and do not indicate past mistakes. But another point is that they have been pursuing us for more than three years since we were taken the children.
Let's examine the question of why the children are still not returned, even though the question of returning children was raised by the court more than 2 years ago. And what persecution has been made lately.
In this compartment, I will tell about the person from whom depends a lot on the return of my children, and about his actions from which the return of the children delayed. This is Foster Care Supervisor, whose subordination is the SCO caseworker, which conducts the file on me and my kids. His name is Erik Ulrich, further, I'll indicate him as supervisor. I cannot state that all his actions are done by his own initiative or he receives indirect or direct instructions from anyone, under whose management he works.
He has a significant influence over the caseworker who works on my file. By the actions of a supervisor, it is clear that his attitude is not to return the children but to delay at maximum the file and open the file regarding our deprival of the parental rights. He told me himself about the fact that he wanted to open a file to deprive us of parental rights. How do his actions show it? In many different cases, during my visits to the children, he seeks to show that I cannot manage with the kids, that my staying with the kids is a threat. During my visits to the children, he tries to follow me at maximum. I didn’t see that any of the other parents were so strictly observed.
Let's look at some of his observations.
This letter is written by him, what problems he sees in me due to which and other problems, in his opinion, the children cannot be returned to me. Because of this, I must go to a psychologist to be taught how to deal with the children.
This letter is designed to assist you in improving the quality of your Parent/Child visits and to help you to utilize the parenting skills that you acquire during parenting skills training with Dr. ...
Toward the end of the parent/child visit held on Wednesday, 5/8/13, Foster Care Supervisor observed you bringing Michael, Emily, and Lenny to the main floor bathroom. It is my understanding that Lenny had an accident and you were attending to his need by helping clean him up.
However, Foster Care Supervisor observed that while you were focused on Lenny, Michael had left the bathroom and returned to the main visiting room. I took it upon myself to verify with Case Planner, who remained in the visiting room that Michael returned and was now under her supervision.
It was not until at least five minutes had passed that you called out for Michael, however, even then you did not ascertain his whereabouts.
Around this same time, you instructed Lenny to stand in the middle of the bathroom while you stepped into a stall; Emily remained engaged in conversation with me just outside the bathroom. Lenny then indicated that he wanted to return to the visiting room to be with Michael and ran toward the stairwell.
You quickly responded by chasing Lenny to ensure he did not attempt to go downstairs by himself. However, as a result, you lost track of Emily who remained on the other end of the hallway.
After Lenny began to tantrum, you quickly gave in and compromised with him by urging him to sit halfway between the bathroom, where you wanted to return, and the stairwell.
It was then that I intervened and remarked that you needed to be solely responsible for attending to all three children's needs and to not be dependent on the agency workers for support. Lenny then followed you back to the bathroom.
After finishing in the bathroom, you began your way back to the visiting room with Emily and Lenny. It was then that I noted that Michael had been unaccounted for, for at least five minutes.
As I have stressed in the past, in the past, it is important to recognize potential safety risks to all of the children, even while attending to one child's specific needs. You must be able to divide your attention and create an environment where the children can be managed and controlled.
If you have any questions, please contact me at ...
Erik Ulrich, MSW
Foster Care Supervisor
If to read the letter, there is the impression that I really cannot deal with the children and they don’t listen to me. Now I’ll explain these and other cases.
In this case, my elder son Michael was 6 years and 8 months. Before this case, I asked him if at home he went to the toilet and other rooms alone, he answered - yes alone, without any accompaniment. I asked him if at school from the classroom to the toilet and back he went alone, he answered me - yes alone.
During all my visits at the SCO agency to the children, I always accompanied the children to the toilet, including the elder. During one of the visits, I brought three children to the toilet. I began to change pampers and pants to the youngest. The eldest child made his things and went to the game room (the visiting room), where the caseworker was waiting for. When I went out of the toilet with two children, the supervisor was standing at the door, he made an observation that my eldest child left without me. Later, I explained to the children that they must be only with me. The eldest son asked me why he couldn't walk alone. I explained to him that at school and at other places he could walk as he was allowed, but at that agency, he had to walk everywhere only with me, that he did further permanently.
Another example. After each visit to the children, I help them to settle into the car of the adoptive parents. When I was going to leave, the youngest son became to cry that he wanted to stay with me. I picked him up and walked away from the car, to get him calm and switch it to anything else. At the edge of the car parking, there were two more cars, these cars were empty, there was no anybody in them and I saw it. The daughter and the eldest son followed me. In a minute, I managed to calm down the youngest son and went back to the car again in order to settle him in the car. When I was coming back to the car, the youngest son was in my arms, the daughter and the eldest son came after me. The younger son began to cry again, he did not want to part with me. I know that I need 1-2 minutes to calm him down and refocus on anything else and then I will be able to settle him into the care safely. Suddenly, the supervisor came along to us, took the youngest child out of my arms, and became forcibly shoved him into the car, the baby began to cry, even more, abutting with his arms and legs into the car, the supervisor forcibly shoved him into the car and buckled with the safety belts to the seat, the child was buckled and blubbered. The supervisor went away with a pleasant look. After that, I received a warning from him on this case that I couldn’t deal with the children, that the children walked around the car parking themselves and it was dangerous for their lives.
Another case. I am in the toilet room with my youngest son and daughter. The door of the toilet room is open into the corridor. I change the pampers to the youngest son, the daughter is in the toilet room near the front open door and waits for me. All are in the area of my sight. I see that the supervisor comes to the open door of the toilet room in the corridor and starts speaking to my daughter, asking her how she's doing in school. My daughter starts speaking to him and comes closer to him, she walks through the open door, making only one step into the hall. I immediately tell her to go back into the toilet room. She returns. At the next meeting with the supervisor, he makes me a warning that I cannot control the child and she went out of the toilet into the hall.
Let me give you another example. My youngest son had increased nervousness and aggression. In the game room, he could hit any of the children or take away the toy. The supervisor and caseworker told me that in such cases I had to punish him, put him into a separate armchair, not let him go anywhere, and keep him like this 5 minutes. I did so a couple of times, though I understood that those actions were not correct, the baby sometimes started to cry, sometimes escaped. I considered what I was said to do and to punish the child was wrong and that it could be equalized to abuse of the child. I stopped to fulfill these requirements. At each conflict of my child with the other kids, I just started to talk to him calmly and to explain to him that he didn’t have to hurt other children, that he had to be friendly with all, that he had to be calm, that he had to play with the other children, that he didn’t have to take away toys from the others. Each conversation lasted 3-5 minutes in a calm mood. During my talk, the child was getting calm and understood what he was required. At the end of the conversation, I told him to come to the child whom he offended or took away a toy, to return the toy, and to apologize for what my child did. After a couple of such conversations with my child, he stopped hurting the other kids and taking away their toys. Seeing my actions with the child and that I do everything in my own way, the supervisor and caseworker began to write in all reports, that I didn’t fulfill their requirements. I consider that if I fulfilled those requirements of the supervisor and caseworker, it would be the abuse towards my child and my further actions would develop and reinforce aggression and nervousness in my child. I know that one positive effect on the child is much more effective than any punishment. With a positive impact on the child, the positive reflexes and instincts are fixed and developed in the child.
By these actions, the supervisor and caseworker show their illiteracy and incompetence in their work. This shows as well, that many of their demands and actions in no way are at the benefit of the children.
If the supervisor noticed errors in my actions at the car parking, it was the only case for all my visits. But why doesn’t he notice other things? He goes through the car parking at least twice each working day, for several years that he works in SCO. Why doesn’t he see that the car parking is not equipped with special pavements for pedestrians and children assigned for getting on and off the cars and without access to the cars? Or why aren’t there at least the marks on the asphalt where the children should walk and the cars should not drive? The car parking is not equipped at all and there are no safety measures for children. The car parking is a potentially dangerous place for children. For example, when you're single and settle a couple of kids into the car, you cannot keep all the children in your hands, one of the children may move away or run back and be hit by the car that drives back from the parking place. It can happen because the driver of the car may not see that the child is at the rear part of the machine. Every day dozens of children are brought and taken away from the SCO agency, these children are exposed to the risk every time in the car parking where there are dozens of cars.
Why didn’t he see that during several years, near the car parking there is a children's playground, which was only recently fenced and why is this fence so low, less than a meter in height, the child can easily climb over it and get under the car. Before it, the children who played in the playground constantly ran out to the car parking after the ball or after the other thing. They were exposed to the same risk to get under the car.
Why does the supervisor see that my 5 years old child made one step from the toilet room and stayed in the hall 5 seconds without me, at the distance of 10 steps from me, and he thinks it's dangerous for the baby? At the same time, going to the toilet room several times a day during many years of his work, why doesn’t he see that there is no toilet bowl or toilet seat in order to settle a little child on it? It is not suitable for little kids to sit on the big toilet bowls for adults. A child can fall into the toilet bowl, be injured or injure the spine or hit his head by the tank, or get frightened.
Why doesn’t the supervisor see for many years that there are no outlet covers in the children's game room? Sometimes there are more than 10 children in the game room. Any child can take a metal object (staple, comb, part of the toy, axis from the toy car wheels, etc.) and stick it in the electrical outlet. In this case, the child may be killed by the current. Why doesn’t the supervisor go down to the store and buy a pack of outlet covers for 99 cents during all these years?
Why doesn’t he see for many years that there is a TV and video recorder in the children's game room, but all electrical wires and tees are open and accessible to the children? The child can come up to them and touch them freely. Or the child may come up to them with a glass or a bottle of juice or water, accidentally splash on the tees and the baby can be killed by the current.
Why doesn’t the supervisor see that at the front door to the SCO agency, the code lock and the belly button are located in the low place? A little child can easily come up and press the buttons on this electric lock and bell. This is a risk for the little child and his life because if the lock is broken down and in the raw, wet weather its electricity comes to the body and buttons of the lock, the child can touch the lock or the bell and he can be killed by the current. Generally speaking, is this lock designed for outdoor use, or should it only be used on the inside doors? For security measures, this lock can be set up higher so that little child cannot reach it. But this is not done, there is only a fixed notice for children over the bell with inscription not to touch it.
There are several things that represent a potential threat to the health and the lives of the children. I won’t describe them here. If the supervisor really cares about the safety and the health of the children, having read it, he will find and eliminate all this. If he doesn’t see and eliminate them, I will point to these infringements at the next writing of the material.
If the supervisor observes some small single details at me with the kids, why doesn’t he see for many years such large infringements that are dangerous to the health and the lives of the children?
The supervisor and caseworker submit distorted and false information to the Court. I will not enumerate all the false information, because it will take a lot of time and place and it will not be interesting to read. I'll take only some of it.
First example: in all documents submitted to the court during all time it is stated that I have primary (lowest) education. In fact, I have two high degrees, two university diplomas, I can show them and they can check them. But ACS and SCO employees, who work with me, never asked me about my education. Why do they write that I have primary education? In order to show to the judge that I am an illiterate and a little educated man.
Another example. In his ordinary report submitted to the Court, the caseworker wrote that the psychologist who worked with me and the children reported that I had poor hygiene. At the same time, he didn’t indicate what my "poor hygiene" meant, also there was not a report of a psychologist in which he indicated it. After the court, at the next visit to the psychologist, I asked him about it, if he indicated this in his report. He swore that he hadn’t mentioned it and proposed to see his report. I did not see his report, because I believed him and respected him. He is unlikely to deceive me because he believes in God, he has the same number of children like me and I have complete confidence in him.
Then I ask, why did the report submitted to the court contain the information that I had poor hygiene?
The supervisor and caseworker always lie. At one of the court hearings, they told me that at every visit, they gave me a letter with the observations I had to work with my psychologist and I did not work on it. They gave to the judge one copy of about seven letters. The judge told me to make copies and distribute them to all. If the supervisor and social employee say that at each my visit they give me the letters, these letters should be about 50. 50 is the approximate number of my visits to SCO during the period when these letters began to be written. 50 and 7 is a very big difference. Before that, from these 7 letters, I was given only 3 letters. One was sent to me by post, two are given in the hands, others were not given to me at all and I did not see them. I had to work with my psychologist over the observations indicated in the letters. During my ordinary visit to the psychologist, I told him about these letters. He told me that he didn’t know about these letters and that nobody had given them to him. This psychologist works in the same building as the supervisors and the caseworker. All these facts indicate that all these letters were written not to work with me, but to collect the work indicators, in order to submit them to the Court. And work indicators are necessary to submit them at the court and to show what bad parent I am and it is dangerous for children to be with me and further to put the question of depriving my parental rights.
It raises a question. Why didn’t the first reports submitted to the court contain such observation to my side? Contrary there was positive evidence, but now only bad things are written.
Why is the return of my children delayed for more than 3 years?
The social services employees order me to take a lot of services: parent classes, the work of psychologist with me and the children, the other psychologist. All these services were not available for me in time. For example, nobody directed me to the parent classes. Finally, I found parent classes myself and went to them, having received a certificate from these classes.
Another example, after the ordinary court hearing, I began to visit a psychologist who works with me and my children. At the same time, I come up to my caseworker and ask her what services I still need, where I still need to go to take all the services and prepare for the next court. The social assistant told me that I no longer needed anything. At the next visit, I asked her again about it, she told me that I no longer needed anything. I asked her to check with the supervisor if I had to visit any services. At the next visit, I asked her again about it, she told me that she had specified with the supervisor and that I no longer needed anything.
When I came to the next court hearing, my caseworker indicated in the report submitted to the court that I had not visited the psychologist. At my next meeting with the social assistant, I asked her why she hadn’t sent me to this psychologist before when I asked her about it. I did not get any clear answer to my question.
When we were taken the children, we have blamed for poor keeping the children. After 2 years the other blames are submitted that I cannot deal with the children. I have appointed the services that are in no way an additional value for the kids. I am not against these services, but these services should be for those who really need them and to whom they help. For example, the parent's classes are needed more for those parents who have aggression, nervousness, unbalance, inattention, etc. I do not have it. Only the people who have mental and psychological problems, depression must be sent to the psychologist, I do not have any of that. When I went to a psychologist and passed all the tests, they showed good results. I was asked if I had any problems. I answered that sometimes I had depression because of taking the children, but I managed it, I didn’t admit its development by meditation, prays, auto-training, work on yourself. The doctor asked me if I needed the visits to her. I told her that I needed the visits to her because I was required by the SCO agency. After that, the doctor told me to visit her.
Another example. I have been going to the psychologist who works with me and with the children. I have been going to him for over one year. During this time the monkey can be taught to ride a motorbike. Question. Why can’t I with all good psychological, mental, and other indicators be taught to deal with the children? The psychologist I go to makes the job in good faith. Then I ask why it is so long? Because the supervisor needs to stall for time and not to return children to me. The services that I do not need are appointed. As I already said, they always submitted distorted and false information. Let me give you an example. During one of my visits to the children, I was talking to my daughter. We stood facing each other, the caseworker was standing nearby. During the conversation, I see my daughter's mouth is empty, she eats and chews nothing. Then my daughter turns to the caseworker, starts talking quickly and a bit choked on her saliva and coughed slightly. The caseworker began to pat her lightly on the back. I asked my daughter if she was OK. She stopped coughing and said OK.
She smiled, her face color was normal, her movements and behavior were normal and it was evident that she was doing well. In this case, it was not necessary to knock her back at all. She didn’t choke by anything, the coughing was easy and ended quickly and she immediately replied that she was OK and smiled.
When I came to the ordinary court hearing, the child's defender stood up and said that there was a case when the child choked, she gasped, her life was in danger, while I didn’t take any actions, but the caseworker saved her. She was not present in this case and did not see what was happened.
Thus, the caseworker deceived her by giving false information or she deceived the judge herself.
I know that this caseworker will read this information. I give her the information and explanations of what to do in such cases. The most important thing is not to give false information to those you work with, these are your colleagues and you have to respect them. By giving false information, you mislead your colleagues who have to give false information at the court. If you cannot tell when a child is in danger and what to do at this, I'll explain you here.
So, the danger signs of a child’s strangulation.
1. The child cannot utter a single sound;
2. The baby's face at first turns red, then turns blue;
3. The child may lose consciousness.
What to do in such and similar cases?
1. Sit in an armchair and set the child on the knees, lower his head down. Or stand on a knee, putting the child to the other knee.
2. Keep the child under the chest with one hand, but with another hand hit four times between the shoulder blades.
3. If it does not work, repeat this several times.
4. If the hits on the back do not help, set a child on your knees, settling one of your hands on his abdomen. Squeeze this hand into a fist, leaning by the inside part where the thumb is at the middle of his abdomen, but with the other hand hold the child behind his back. Quickly push with the fist to his abdomen slightly up and as deeply as possible. The movement must be strong to push up the stuck object. Repeat pushing up to four times.
In any case, do not pat the child on the back when he stands, as you did. Because in this case, under the influence of gravity the stuck object will fall down deeper in the breathing ways. If the child really choked and you knocked the child on her back as she was standing, it could lead to a heavier situation.
You should be aware of this as 2X2 = 4. And in such cases, it is necessary to consult parents. You didn’t tell me a single word as advice. You also didn’t tell my psychologist to consult me on how one should act in such situations. All it means that you do not know how to act in such situations, or that is more correct, that there was no danger for the child.
During my entire life and more than 12 years of living in America, I had no criminal file, no police arrest, no written ticket for any fault, no due for loans or payment. In my life, I try to live by law in all life directions. I respect the laws of America and fully comply with them. I respect the legal system and fully follow all decisions of the court and the law. I accept the decisions of the ACS and the SCO, even though in my situation I do not agree with many of them. The question why did this happen? Why was I brought to the court by criminal and family file? Why did they take children and made me a "criminal"? Because they don’t recognize the laws, they live by their own interests. Throughout these three years, I see violations of laws and even disobeying the court's direct requests from the side of ACS and SCO employees.
One example of disobeying the direct court request. At one court hearing, the judge issued a decision for SCO employees to allow me free visits with the children. It means that visiting the children, I can take them with me and walk with them alone, taking the children to the cafes, shops, and parks. The judge took the responsibility, allowing these visits. The judge’s word is the law and anyone should obey it. Disobeying the law is a crime. After this court, I came to the ordinary visit to the children. I asked my caseworker if I can take my children and go with them for a walk according to the court decision. Firstly, I was going for a walk with the kids in the yard, but during my next visits to take them to cafes and shops. The caseworker said that she could not solve this issue. I asked her supervisor about this issue. He answered me that he had no written decision of the Court yet and I had to wait. After 20 days, I went to the supervisor again and asked him if he had a written decision of the Court and if I could take the kids for a walk? He told me that he had the decision of the Court, but I could not take the kids for a walk, because he might appeal against the decision. After 20 days, I went to the supervisor again and asked him if he would appeal against the decision of the court or not. He answered me that he wouldn’t. I asked him if I could go for a walk with the kids? He answered me that it was still dirty in the street (it was the end of the winter), when it got dry in the street, I would be able to take the kids for a walk.
One month passed. All this time, I met with the children only in the SCO agency, in the presence of a caseworker. It was already dry in the street, there was good weather. Once again, I went to the supervisor and asked him if now I could go along with the children on the street. He told me that I could not do this and he did not give the permission to do so, because he thought that I did not look after the children properly and did not deal with them and the kids could be in danger with me on the street. I asked him if I could walk with the kids only in the yard. He said - no. I asked if I could spend time with the children in his SCO agency, in the game room without the presence of a caseworker. He said - no. I asked the caseworker to go with me and the children and look and evaluate the situation. He agreed with this. I with the kids and caseworker drove to the McDonalds in the service car. There I took children's meals to the kids set them down at the table and they began to eat. There were children’s toys with the children's food. Each child had a toy. My younger son took the elder son’s toy. The elder son began to take back this toy. Between them, there was a little scuffle. I began to separate them. The younger jumped out of the table and ran out for a couple of tables. I know if returning him immediately to the table, will aggravate the situation, in the nervous state he will run away and will not listen. I waited about a minute until he calmed down. After that, I went up to him and calmly explained to him that he did not have to behave in such a way, that he was not right, that he should ask when taking one’s toy. After that, I told him to apologize before the elder and he did. I set him on the other side of the table and the children continued to eat up quietly and play with the toys.
At the next visit to the children, the supervisor told me that according to the report of the caseworker regarding my visit to McDonald's, I am not able to look after the kids and in my case, I had to come up immediately to the youngest child.
According to their opinion, I am not able to look after the kids, they do not let me take the kids for a walk.
At the next court hearing, the judge warned the supervisor and caseworker that they had not executed the court decision. After this court hearing, I began to take the children and walk freely with them.
ACS and SCO employees do not understand what heavy injuries they cause to the children by their actions. They also do not want to understand what heavy injury they will cause to the children for all their life if they deprive children of their natural parents.
I will describe 3 cases from my life.
Case 1. Before we were taken the children, a wealthy woman had approached me after the help according to my religious-spiritual activity. I am writing wealthy because her adopted daughter had good material status. Once she came to me with her adopted daughter, who differed much from her and was of a different race. Her daughter was about 12 years old. When I was speaking to this woman, the girl was sitting aside. My wife asked this woman if she knew anything about the natural mother of the girl. This girl heard this conversation and immediately began to cry. She was crying more and more. All of us began to calm her down. After 5 minutes, the girl was weeping almost suffocating. We could not get her calm for 30 minutes. They took a taxi and went away. At that moment the girl did not stop crying.
Case 2. When we had been taken the children, we came to Times Square to protest against the ACS actions and were standing there every day for the first 3 months. Once, a young guy came along to us. He listened to our story. After that, he began to tell his story that he was deprived of his parents in the same way. He began to weep. He had tears running one by one, his body was trembling and he could not calm down and stop crying. We embraced him and began to calm down. He could not stop crying for a long time. He told us that he lived in a wealthy family, he had everything, but he never felt happy. He reminded and talked about the moments of his life when he was little and when he was with his natural parents, he was happy. His parents passed away. He said how many nights he had spent in silence, weeping into the pillow, and the pillow was wet from his tears. He has frequent breakdowns even today and he often cries. He has constant depression and he visits a psychologist and a psychiatrist.
Case 3. When we were standing at Times Square, we met a young man. He walked in Disneyland’s costume and for a small fee took pictures with the tourists. Having learned our history, he told his one. In their childhood, he was adopted by other parents. He still remembers his natural parents, and he was happy with them. He has still a big psychological trauma because he is going through himself that he is not with his natural parents. When he reached maturity age, his foster parents put him out of the house. Now he lives in a shelter for homeless people. He said that he was ready to give everything, even the part of his body or a hand if he could go back to his childhood and remain with his natural parents
They want to do the same thing with our children. SCO employees must work to return the children, but they contrary do all to deprive us of the children. In SCO, the supervisor told me many times that he wanted to open a file and to deprive me of parental rights because the children are not returned home for a long time, and as he says “I cannot look after them properly."
Delaying of the children return to their natural family, greatly affects the health of the children. If early the children had developing health problems, now all three have health problems: psychological, mental. All three children constantly visit doctors. The eldest child goes to the most backward class, he has a weak performance. Children show signs of depression and stress. Children often ask why they live in other families and when they will return to their natural family. Children are constantly waiting and desire to return home. At each meeting, they are very happy to see me and do not want to part.
The children do not speak and understand a second language (Russian). Several times I asked the caseworker to hire a teacher of the Russian language for the children for a couple of hours a week. But to my request, I always was refused. If the kids were with us and they were not taken they would be fluent in two languages. If the kids were with us, they would be able to use a computer now. They cannot do it now, they do not even have a computer and nobody teaches them. They would have known children's songs read poems, now they do not know any song, any little rhyme. They could have done many other things they cannot do now: ride a bicycle, swim in the ocean, skate the rollers, etc.
They cannot do all of this because they have no bikes, rollers, electronic entertainment games. They have never been to the ocean beach, to the zoo, to the cinema and children's theaters for three years. They cannot do many things. The oldest son is 7 years old, but he cannot even tie the laces on his sneakers. The children are degraded completely for their age. I have a question for SCO employees if you care about the children, why don’t you help children in all of this?
Provide the family where there are children with the computer, hire the person to teach the children handling the computer. I would buy them a computer myself, but I do not have permission to visit them at home, to deliver the computer, to install the Internet, to set up the computer and to teach children. At the moment I take the children to the library and teach them to handle the computer. Hire the person to play the piano and teach the children music and singing in that family. I cannot come to their home and teach them to play the piano and sing, because I don’t have permission for that. Why is it hard for SCO employees to hire someone who would teach the children to ride a bike? I bought the rollers for the older child and gave them to him, he does not skate (but he really wants to), because nobody trains him. I have no right to come and train him with skating rollers. Why doesn’t any of SCO employees come and teach the child skating rollers? Why don’t the SCO employees organize travel to the beach at least once a month in the summer for children, as the beach is not far from the house where the children live? Why don’t SCO employees send the teacher to the children, who would do sport with them, play games, teach painting, teach rhymes and fairy tales, make applications, do sculpting and other interesting arts for kids? Why don’t SCO employees organize for children a trip to the movies, to the zoo, to the circus, to the theater, to the aquarium, to the planetarium, to the museum, to the entertainment park, to the concert, to the sports competitions? I asked the children about it, they said they had never been to those places, and they didn’t even hear about some of those places. This is the answer to these questions. The SCO employees do not need all of this, they do not care about the children. They just need to sit in their offices, write reports, answer calls, earning easy money on it.
At the last court hearing, the judge gave the task to the SCO employees. Fulfillment of this task will have an impact on the returning children. Many months passed from this court hearing. I don’t see any step for the fulfillment of the judge’s order. I guess this task will be unlikely completed in the future. For SCO employees it is easier to find a reason for not completing the task than to fulfill this. If the indication of the court is not executed by SCO employees by the next court hearing, it will show additionally their disrespect for the court, disobeying the law, delaying the case of returning the children.
I repeat. Everything is done to delay the return of the children and further to raise the issue of depriving our parental rights.
By the law, the SCO agency is given 6 months for work on returning the children. Now we are in the 5th time of the work to return the children. It demonstrates that SCO employees do not work, but only imitate the work. Or as I think, they especially delay their work on returning the children.
Below I will describe how it works. This is my opinion, all these crimes that are made in relation to the children from ACS and SCO side, one can only see during a long time, working in these organizations and committing these crimes or becoming the victim of these crimes. I will not prove anything here. This can be proved only during the court investigation. I'll just describe my situation. Quite probably this applies to the other families as well.
During the inspections of the families by social employees, many of them find out a lot of personal information about the family: family income, the place of work, relatives, friends, and acquaintances of the family, emigration status of the parents. If the parents of children have no immigration status, the parents are not rich, do not have rich relatives and friends, you'll be taken children in any case whatever good parents you are, you will be even excellent parents in educating children.
What's going on. Social employee goes to you, he writes the small infringements as big, wrote in his reports that the children are in bad and dangerous conditions, that you refuse all of his proposals and do not deal with the children. You may not even know about many things he writes. He collects files against you. After a few months, the social employees didn’t find fundamental reasons for taking the children.
What happens further? They send you a new social employee without accompanying the old employee. The task of this social employee is to open a criminal case for you. This social employee chooses the time when the parent is alone at home with the children. He comes to your house, does not show any legitimacy. He says any phrase about the children and enters your house where there are your children without any invitation. What will you do in this case?
You do not know this person, you see him the first time. You do not know what he can do to you and to your children and why he breaks into your house. You have no time to run to the phone and call the police, because, while you are calling this person can kill or maim your children. Any normal person will not let a stranger into the house. You do not let this stranger in the house, tell him to go out, but he does not listen to you and goes quickly to the house where there are the children. Most of the parents will protect their children in their house and begin to push this person out of the house. When this social employee is on the street, he immediately makes a phone to his supervisor and calls the police. The police arrive for such call immediately during a few minutes. You do not even have time to think and also to call the police. When the police arrive, the social employee presents himself, tells them that he is in the service position and you provide the resistance and hit him. After that the police arrest you, if at that time nobody comes to your children, your children will be taken too. In our case, I came home. If the family is of one parent it is easier for the social employee to do it. The parent is arrested and the children are taken. If there is a second parent, they launch the criminal file for another parent as well. Since then, parents are considered it dangerous for children.
In order to take the children, you can be accused of everything: that you are alcoholic, drug addict, mentally ill, that you have mental problems and it is dangerous for children to be with you.
At the same time, social employees who tricked everything became a hero at the work. He can get a lot of benefits and privileges.
What happens next after you are taken the children? Further the pure earning money on children begins. They start to work with you in order to make you a good parent and return you the children. If you agree with everything and close your eyes to all crimes, they will return your children in 2-3 years. During this time you will be made a good parent, you will be sent to parent classes, to different doctors, etc. If you are against the actions of ACS and SCO, they will make a request to the immigration service and since you do not have immigration, you have the criminal file, you are considered dangerous for society, you will be deported from the country and you lose the children. In this situation, it seems you are in a desperate situation. You have to cater to social employees, to agree with any blames, not to take any measures against any of their actions and crimes.
During the time I visit the SCO agency, I see the same number of families they work over. It was never empty, it was never overcrowded. It is always maintained the required minimum number of families. If the new children come, after a while the other children are returned. It can be seen that the minimum number of families must be always constant to ensure the SCO employees with an easy job. All the parents are afraid to say anything against social employees. Any action or word against a social employee may delay the return of the children or even raise the question of the loss by the parents of their rights to the children. In this case, it appears that the parents are under intimidation. If the parents do not take any actions that can be disagreed by ACS and SCO employees, the chance to return the children faster is increased.
If the SCO employees returned the children to their families in the established terms - 6 months, the agency would have only 1-3 families to work with. But if they didn’t commit crimes which they had made against our children, I think that the SCO agency would have 1-2 families in a year. And then there wouldn’t be an easy job for some employees to write reports, to direct parents to the different services, to hold meetings, etc.
I'm looking for a lawyer to sue over the actions against employees from these organizations. I have sufficient grounds to sue. There is sufficient evidence of crimes against our family and specifically against children, this is witnesses, the testimony of witnesses, documents, audio, video. There are more solid evidence and facts that I don’t indicate here. I need to sue for this crime – in order to stop it, to stop the abuse of my children, to stop the persecution and discrimination of my family, which lasts already 4 years.
During 3 years, I heard many times direct and indirect allusions and intimidation from SCO employees that they would take my children forever, that I would visit my children for a long time, etc. These allusions were made to intimidate me, to make me not speak and write access things against them.
Below I will give the silliest statements that were told to me and which I heard from SCO employees.
1) Maybe you will not take the children. They are in that family for a long time. They used to be there. They are good there. They live in a 3- floor house.
2) Many years have passed, you will not already take the children.
3) Since you cannot take the children for a long time, we will raise the issue to withdraw your parental rights.
4) In your position, you'll go here for a long time.
There are some ACS and SCO employees who support me and sincerely wish the children came back to me. But they don’t want to state their opinion in public because they don’t work with me and don’t want to put others against themselves. These people seem to have honor, conscience, compassion for the children and they understand and support me.
I am writing this material not against ACS and SCO organizations. I am writing this material against individual persons and their actions. We need ACS and SCO and people who work there do a lot of useful things for the children. But there are facts and people I write about here, which by their criminal actions spoil the reputation of the entire organization.
Why am I writing all this? In order to draw the attention of the public. In order to stop a crime against the children.
After reading this let ACS and SCO employees look at themselves and their actions from outside, understand what sufferings they cause to the children. Let them be changed and really start to help the children, not inclined to the light work, sitting in their office, but travel around the houses. If there is a multi-child family and it has problems, on contrary this family should be helped: to hire a babysitter for several hours in a week, to invite a cleaner once a month for general cleaning, to invite the employee for carpet cleaning, to bring the children clothes and toys. If all employees of these organizations do this, you will have a good reputation and respect the parents will address themselves to you and will be grateful to you. Because the parents will see that you help the children from the heart, but do not want to earn easy money on them, as in our case.
I know that after reading this material, someone will turn against me and will obstruct the return of the children. But I also know that I will find more support in most people who have conscience, honor, and compassion for the children.
I appeal to all who are reading this material. If you are not indifferent to the situation of our children and those who can be in a similar situation in the future and can lose their parents if you love children if you have your children and understand this situation, if you want to help our children and wish them to come back home soon and make this not happen again in the future with other children, take part in the support of this project "What do the children suffer for?" How can you help?
1. You can write your opinion for the protection of the children at this forum.
2. You can place a link for this material on your website, blog, on your page in the social network, in the comments to other subjects in other forums.
3. You can provide information and the address of that page to your relatives and friends.
Who had or has a similar situation as ours? We need your help. Send us your stories, in this forum, or if you are afraid of persecution of you and your children, from the side of some ACS and SCO employees write me personally as a private message on this forum. Your cases will help easier to prove, that such cases are not unique and that it is done with the aim to earn money by ACS and SCO employees.
I'll write a little about myself and my nearest future. For myself, I'm calm and friendly, comply with all laws, don’t do extreme sports, being accurate and attentive at home and in life, my health is good. In the nearest years, I have no predisposition and chance to die of any disease, to get into any fatal accident, to be arrested and put into prison, I will never commit suicide, I love life and I consider that suicide is a great sin.
Why do I write all this? Because I am not guilty at all, because I know the law is on my side and the side of the children. Even if the people commit the crime, being at the public service, no law will cover them. If I were in any other country, I probably would be afraid to declare it in public. Being in America, I can safely say about this, knowing that the law is on the side of justice.
Why does it happen with me and the others? Because the victims never raise this issue. It's like if the criminal comes to you at home, hits your child, and says if you declare him to the police, his friends will come and kill you and your children. If you do not declare and scare, this criminal will come again and will commit the worse crime. So here, those who commit crimes against children make it without fear that they will be punished for it. And with each new taking of children and intimidation of the parents, their mania of permissiveness increases and secures.
I know exactly that I will get the children back because I didn’t do anything bad to the children. The children were in excellent condition. I was and am a good father for children. I believe in justice, I believe in the court that is doing everything possible to return the children. I believe in the assistance of the people who have the honor, conscience, and love for the children. I believe in God and I address it every day. I believe in fairness and it is on my and children’s side. I love my children and they love me and they need me. And the children are waiting for the return at home.
ACS and SCO employees can only delay the return of the children, just not performing their duties, violating the laws by providing false information at the court, and not fulfilling the requirements of the court that they are doing during all this time.
I address once again to the ACS and SCO employees, think about the children, love them, help them from the heart. Do all you can to avoid the separation of the children from their parents. Don’t forget that your mission is to help the children, to make them happy and healthy. If you do this to the children, God will thank you and then you and your children will have everything good in life.
I hold no grudge against you. I just wish you changed the attitude to the children. And I wish you all the best only. Help the children and God will help you.
Quiet Discrimination.Quiet discrimination, Part.