by Kimberly Stephens » Thu Sep 26, 2019 2:36 pm
I am looking for a lawyer to help me and my husband fight not only dfcs but my in laws as well. Since end of April beginning of may they have used the government to harass me and my family. I have several different things that prove what i'm saying is true , .i'm also pretty sure she set me and my husband up by planting stuff in my car. Which is how she now has them, she made my daughters, 10 and 9 block me on snap chat though all we did was send emoji just like we always have, she wont let me see them this is the longest I've ever been away from my kids. I homeschooled my daughter's I breastfed my youngest until he was a little shy of his third birthday. The few times I've spoken with the younger ones they have cried and begged me to come see them and get them x my 3 year old asked me why he doesn't live with me anymore and can he ever. He should only think it's a sleep over or lil vacation or something not think his mother abandoned him. She's telling my kids that I've chosen everything above them they are my life so thats not even possible.
My daughter's are missing there ballet (homeschool) because they put them in public school against my wishes, I've taught them the same things yet they are in different grades and going over things I've already taught them.
Yet every morning I've gotten up to go and sit at the end of the drive way waiting on the bus they are on in hopes of seeing them.
I need someone who actually believes in conspiracies, because as crazy as it sounds this was exactly that. I need someone to take the time to read the things I've been holding on to. Like her calling my little 3yr old a faggot because he has long hair which he loves.
I need a fighter, not afraid to go head to head with dfcs and I need someone who won't settle or tell me to do what they say cause i'm tired of that. I'm tired of people with power abusing it.
For 13 years this family has ran me over and I made my mind up in Feb that it was never happening again.
Thank you for your time
Kimberly and chris stephens
Proud parents to 5 kiddos